You Just Have To Get It Done


Welcome!  I’m Angela, Creator of The Podcast Wispit By Angela

Since the launch of my podcast on 12/29/2020, I have amassed listeners not only in the United States, but around the world.

At first, I thought that creating the podcast would be a creative and spiritual release for me with the hope that someone would be inspired by what I had to say.  So many days and nights passed because of Covid-19 with people being lost to death and despair.

So,  I had to find a way to help myself cope and escape the mundane trials of everyday living.  I had the balancing act of being the primary caregiver for a mother with Alzheimer’s Dementia and running a solo medical practice for the last 30 years.

No small feat you might say.

I am a single mother and I have faced many trials along this journey.

But,  made it.

Many of you who are struggling with everyday living, and balancing your time can learn how to survive too.


You can’t always assume that others will be there.

That’s because they have challenges in their own lives.

One thing has been said, and I have found it to be true.

If you need motivation, motivate yourself first before you can motivate others.

At the end of your life, you will have more people show up at your funeral than you will while you are alive.

The biggest question I am asked everyday, is how do I find the time to do it all.  The answer still remains simple:  Find the time or risk losing it.

For one day, your life will be required of you, and there will no longer be time for regret or a do over.  So, in the final analysis, what will your life say about you.

More importantly, what will you say about yourself and the life you have lived. Was it simply about building wealth or legacy?

Recently I lost my mother in April of this year.

There is still sadness from time to time, but I have peace, because I did all I could do.

I sacrificed a great deal in my life because I knew that my mother would not always be there.

What bothered me is how the world will continue to pull you in so many different directions never caring about your dreams or aspirations, or what your day to day responsibilities may be.

The world will set your agenda if you do not have healthy boundaries.  And, time waits for no man or woman,  Before you know it……it is gone.

I think the responsibility of caring falls on the  each of us and how we view our life and how we choose to live it.

So how do you make time in a world that’s constantly speeding up?

As Nike says..” You just do it”. See, for me the thought, feeling, or regret of unfinished dreams haunts me more.

We will all die one day.



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