Based on facts, truth, education, and the wisdom Angela has gained from thirty-three years as a physician and someone who cares for you!

Leave Transformed with a clearer way of mentally processing.

The Wispit Crew Membership


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What If I Told You That You Can

Build impactful relationships through my Wispit Community. I will help you network with others about a variety of topics and issues. I will demonstrate how to launch a successful podcast, demonstrate how to speak, build a successful brand, and blog. Through my membership you will receive monthly newsletters on a variety of topics, and have the opportunity to receive the first copy of my book that is soon to be published.


Have the opportunity to listen to unfiltered podcasts with private community access and hear about recent promotions etc. relating to what is a healthy lifestyle, and the importance of dietary modifications, with no frills discussions about dieting and obesity in this country.


Have conversations about real issues that educate about the new diet and diabetic medications such as Wegovy, Mounjaro, and Ozempic and why insurance companies are denying because of prior authorizations.


All for under $100?

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 Wispit by Angela initially started as a podcast created during the height of the Covid- 19 pandemic as a means of bringing spiritual hope and enlightenment through words of wisdom.

As an African American female physician, with over 33 years of experience in the field of medicine, I have seen and experienced a great deal in my lifetime…..... from marriage to divorce to being a single parent and balancing a solo practice, to being the primary caregiver of a mother with Alzheimer’s Dementia. The hurdles of life, at times, have seemed overwhelming and insurmountable, but I made it!

Hello There, I'm Angela Of Wispit By Angela

the founder

Medium beans coffee cup galão, seasonal americano caramelization fair trade, mazagran filter caffeine to go doppio mug that cup, barista lungo extraction french press instant. Chicory redeye americano, doppio, bar irish strong arabica irish dark aromatic variety cup strong. Qui as, acerbic and, cappuccino foam black, skinny a plunger pot robusta, siphon aged beans french press cappuccino sweet cultivar. Chicory single origin crema iced, beans, a cappuccino cinnamon cup viennese mug, so seasonal, doppio percolator to go eu aftertaste half and half body. 

Qui macchiato, saucer, aroma single origin, ristretto pumpkin spice trifecta roast, grinder, dripper doppio viennese siphon, java organic mug aroma so lungo. Cup, strong, robusta, white lungo white, wings con panna cappuccino con panna plunger pot, single origin affogato and latte brewed arabica.

Sweet Nothings & Soft Kisses


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$10 / month



premium membership

Which Membership
 Is Best For You?

Payment in advance
for 1 year is cheaper at $100/ year

Payment in advance for 1 year is
cheaper at $250.00

Payment in advance for 1 year is cheaper at $500


Length of
Commitment & Investment

Wispit Crew Plus

 $25/ month

Group coaching calls with Angela

Book club with live chapter read with Angela

How to instructional videos

basic membership

Online support for questions & access to private community within the membership

Private podcast community & sneak peak of upcoming podcast

click to join
 $10 / month

click to join
 $25/ month

click to join
 $50 / month

most popular

best value

includes all basic membership features +

includes all basic membership & wispit plus features +

Group coaching calls with Angela

Book club with live chapters read with Angela


Wispit Crew Plus

Monthly resources & newsletters

Live blogs with Q & A

How to instructional videos

Premium Membership

No matter what tier you choose, everyone will walk away transformed .

It’s time to be proactive not reactive. demand change, not ask for change, and be willing to move forward!

join the  membership today

It's time to stop begging the powers that be to throw us crumbs

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"Angela, I have listened to your thoughtful and thought provoking wispit's. I am ever so grateful to have met you". 


When we become educated about the world around us, and decide to become proactive and not reactive, our analytical thinking begins. When we reach out to others for help or to assist, we come to know the purpose of why we are here in this world. Not for destruction, but construction, not a world of doubt, but hope, not a world of despair but a world that we must heal.


Independent learning is great; but when we come together with others and for others, we create a better world in which to live. We become motivated to empower others. A house is built one brick, board, or layer at a time. It is reinforced with strong materials to build a foundation, strengthened by many workers, with varying skills. 


Everyday of our lives we are either actively or passively educated about the world we live in. How we process the knowledge is critical. Too often it is easier to be reactive than proactive. But being proactive gives you a hand or stance in this game we call life. And, with the proper community, we will build a legacy that empowers.

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What to expect In The Membership

The Wispit Crew Membership has a refund policy, however, you will need to cancel your membership before the next billing cycle. Need support? 

What is the cancellation policy?


Facebook, and other social forums depending on the access of the member.  

Where is the membership held?


The membership structure will be set in tiers of importance and applicable need of the listener 

What is the structure of the membership?


The membership is designed for anyone 18 years of age and older

Who is the membership designed for?